Bark is more awesome than it actually sounds. It’s the yen to trail food yang. It’s what separates the gourmet backpacking geniuses from the top ramen amateurs. I will be doing a lot of different trail bark recipes, but I will start with potato bark as it works as both trail chips and mashed potatoes. Energy rich and easy to make that adds a whole lot of taste!

2 lbs potatos – peeled. (1 kilo)
fat free broth – I use vegetable broth and about 1/3 cupSalt and pepper

skin the potatos and cook in a casserole for about 15-20 minutes until soft. Then drain and add vegetable broth, salt and pepper. Then mash the potatos – I use a hand mixer to mix it all. For variations you can add barbeque sauce and garlic powder.


Once all the ingredients are mixed your ready to spread the mix out on a paralexx sheet or baking paper. Be sure to spread relatively evenly over the entire sheet. This recipe and the 2 lbs of potatos is just right for the 15″ x  15″ Excalibur dehydrator.


135degrees for about 10 hours should be more than enough to make nice crispy potato bark!


I will add recipes to use the Potato bark on in my next post!

Posted by Kenneth Shaw

Blogger, photographer and backpacker. If you like my writing or my site don't be afraid to follow me, like or share my posts here on the site. Thanks and enjoy!

One Comment

  1. that looks amazing!


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