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Gallery: Kingstrail part 2 – Northern Sweden 2015

Here is part two from this amazing journey through kingstrail in Northern Sweden. As I stated in the first part of this series, Kingstrail was an absolute treat both for me as an avid hiker, but also as a photographer. 

As you can see from both of these galleries, it was pretty damn hard to not be inspired by such incredible nature and beauty. The trail itself is well worth hiking and something I will be doing often as it’s relatively easy to get to year round. I think my next journey up here will be in the winter with a pair of touring skis.

Anyway, all of these pictures where taken on the Fujifilm X-T1 and 18-55mm kit lens. Most of the pictures have minimal editing done in Lightroom, usually to make a certain feature pop.

All the Kajkas! everyone with atleast 20 kilos on their backs and hating every second of it!

This is in the valley between Tjäktja and Alesjaure

We made a little 1 kilometer detour from the main trail and about 2-3 kilometers from the Tjäktja checkpoint and found a little peninsula. Here we set-up out tent’s and had a little island all to ourselves! When we woke up the next morning the wind was blowing hard and I came out of my tent to see the wind blowing the last signs of the storm off the mountain top.

Picture of my MLD Duomid tarp on the same island. This tarp held up extremely well in the high winds coming down the mountains. 

The view from the island overlooking Tjäktja checkpoint.

I love big ass panoramas! This one needs to be viewed LARGE.

This picture was actually taken on the first night, we had again gone of trail and found a nice little camping area right on the water and we had the island all to ourselves.

This is the end of part two of this series from Kingstrail in northern Sweden. I hope you’ve enjoyed the pictures and don’t be afraid to like or share this post!

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